What is EMF?
EMF stands for electromagnetic radiation. Most of us know by now that all modern electronic devices like laptops, tablets, computers, smart watches, cell phones emit Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation. But it goes beyond that. Every single electronic gadget in your home, office, store, restaurant, and even outdoor lighting emits EMF! I took videos using an EMF reader showing how much EMF a simple desk lamp or an outlet emits. It was overwhelming. Electronic tools are in every step of the day, every day. From the very morning, the alarm clock, to cell phone, laptop, computer, TVs, radios, electric outlets, all the gadgets in the kitchen and bathroom. Also, high-tech medical equipment at hospitals and medical centers used for testing. We are in a radiation nation!
There is an extensive amount of evidence showing that radiation emissions from our everyday electronic devices have negative biological effects on humans, animals and plants.
The National Library of Medicine, National Center of Biology Information, in June 2019 published an article stating that:” Researchers have also proposed some mechanisms that illuminate the various aspects of damaging impacts of the mobile phone on human health, and male fertility in particular. Mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range of 880–2200 Hz, which can be absorbed by the human body. There have been several studies on mobile phones and mobile communication technologies to better understand their impacts on the cardiovascular system, sleep, cognitive functions, neurosecretion, hormone secretion, tumor induction, and genotoxicity potential.”
EMF radiation exposure has been linked to everything from minor to chronic pain, digestion dysfunction, anxiety, to very serious concerns such as infertility and cancer. Other serious effects from EMF include: developmental stress, free radicals, DNA breakage, and sperm damage; it can open the blood-brain barrier, which could enable chemical toxins in the circulatory system to penetrate the brain.
Dr. Samuel Milham, medical epidemiologist specializing in the health effects of EMF radiation says:” New research is suggesting that nearly all human plagues which emerged in the 20th century, like common acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children, female breast cancer, malignant melanoma, asthma, can be tied to some facet of our use of electricity. There is an urgent need for governments and individuals to take steps to minimize community and personal EMF exposures.”
Why is EMF so harmful for us? Human body is electromagnetic. We emit electricity. Depending on our mental state, we are emitting from 4 to 30 hertz. This electricity emitted by a human body can be measured. It’s called Brain waves.
Electronics can emit from hundreds to thousands of hertz. And the most important part is that the electricity emitted from technology is turning the opposite way compared to ours. No wonder we feel “burned out”, “spaced out” and tired after using electronics for too long. Our energy gets discombobulated.
Brain waveImage credit to Preetha Balakrishnan- PCC- ICF
One of the biggest problems that we face is that even if we decide to completely disconnect ourselves from EMF emitting electronics and not use any technology run by electricity, it is not really possible while living in the city. There is Wifi provided by the city, wifi hotspots, cell phone towers and 5G.
So what should we do? Should we boycott all technology? Should we drop using all our helpful tools? Should we all get foil tin hats? Well no, I do not suggest we do any of that. We live in the world of evolution. Technology is a huge part of our lives. As much as I love gardening and spending time outdoors, I am also a great fan of electronics. Hey, I am typing this article on my computer, while the desk light is on at this very moment. I was texting my friends earlier and called my daughter using my phone. I made fresh juice and a superfood smoothie using an electric juicer and a blender in the morning. I even used a chainsaw to trim my palm trees. I understand the damaging effects of electric devices. But since I am not ready to say goodbye to any of my tools, I had to find a solution.
The beauty in this world is that nature always has something for us to fix anything that needs fixing. In this case it is Shungite!
Shungite is a rare mineral that formed 2.5 billion years ago in Karelia. That is the only place where true shungite can be found. It was used for centuries in various healing practices. A scientifically tested mineral that purifies water and air from many organic and toxic compounds. It provides strong protective and cleansing properties.
Shungite’s unique molecular structure and carbon-based fullerenes and what makes this mineral so multifunctional and beneficial. It has the ability to detoxify on the physical and energy levels by eliminating toxic energies, kill pathogenic bacteria, remove pesticides, chlorine, and heavy metals. Shungite’s unique molecular structure and even more unique property is that it switches any of the electronic device emitted energy flow into the same direction as our energy flow! Shungite, unlike some crystals that can absorb the negative energy, does not ever get full of it. Why? Because it does not absorb it. It just turns energy flow into the opposite direction.
I know what you want to ask now:”Does that interfere with wifi or diminishes the electrical flow?” Nope, it has no effect on messing up with any of that. Viola, we got a winner! I recommend getting several different shungite items for EMF protection. Start with a plate for your cell phone, pyramid between you and the computer and a sphere for your bedroom. If you have an animal companion, don’t forget to get a shungite pendant for them too.
Diana Ralys, LE, COE, HC
Certified Emotion|Body|Belief Code Practitioner
Balancing By Numbers Practitioner
Holistic Skin Expert - Licensed Esthetician in CA & FL
Board Certified Holistic Drugless Practitioner
Master Reiki Practitioner
Owner of Radiance Wellness Spa in Santa Monica, CA
Founder & Formulator of Diana Ralys Skin Health