Who is shungite suitable for?

The mineral has both a wide range of therapeutic effects and magical properties, which makes shungite one of the most energetically strong minerals on the planet. Products made of this unique stone will help the owner to accumulate energy and push away the negative background. Shungite will provide reliable protection from dark and evil forces, get rid of fear and give a sense of peace and tranquility. A shungite amulet helps in love affairs. The mineral supports ambitious, active and energetic people. Like a sponge, it absorbs all the negative energy that can surround the owner.

Shungite finds a perfect balance between masculine and feminine energy. 

Shungite amulet is a reliable companion for those who live in megacities or other places where there is potentially a large accumulation of negative energy, geopathic zones and the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. The black mineral shungite will help to "beat off" this energy from a person and cleanse the home, bring a sense of peace and give life balance.

At home, shungite will maintain harmony and balance, remove the negative background and protect the hearth from the intrigues of ill-wishers, evil forces and thoughts, and will also help to accumulate strength for household chores, which will become easier, and for which energy will appear.

The shungite stone will become a faithful companion for the owner, will reward attractiveness, observation, strengthen intuition, and most importantly, protect from the evil eye and envy of rivals, evil eyes, love spells and other witchcraft directed against the owner.

The mineral is also suitable for those who have a leadership nature and strong energy. It will allow an already confident woman to open up even more, to feel herself in her place. This is a great option for a businesswoman.

Shungite is considered a stone of balance and harmony in the family, maternal care, its energy embraces the soul, warming it in difficult periods, increases spiritual and physical resistance to negative factors, neutralizes aggression directed from the outside, helps to relate to everyday problems more easily, as well as find strength to help children in their studies.

For women, it is recommended to choose products and jewelry with smooth shapes and symbols that allow you to listen to your own emotions, express them competently, become more sensitive to the feelings, thoughts and desires of others; It is smooth shapes that contribute to the development of such qualities as responsiveness, softness and nobility, love and good feelings, will help you better understand yourself and others, make the right decision and find the shortest path to success.

If you like straight lines and angles, then we recommend choosing crystals or tall pyramids, which will endow you with foresight, strengthen the spirit and restore inner harmony, and can also indicate a new direction in life. Such forms correspond to success and strength.

What professions is shungite suitable for?

Shungite is suitable for those people whose profession, first of all, is associated with great nervous tension, concentration and physical overload, as well as for those whose profession is associated with leadership: managers and business owners, teachers and educators, business coaches.

For representatives of exact professions, whose work is associated with analytics, scrupulousness and accuracy, shungite will also be a help, since attention is the main component of such professions as cashier, accountant, buyer, receptionist, sales manager, lawyer, appraiser, etc.

The mineral will also be useful for urgent stressful loads, such as a deadline or a student exam, for this it is enough just to knead the stone in your hand at the moment of peak tension, the stone will take away anxiety, and help you concentrate on solving problems. It is recommended to keep the mineral with you during important negotiations and meetings, or when you experience discomfort or fatigue.

The main power of shungite lies in leveling the surrounding negative background and harmonizing the space around the owner, a charge of energy, namely, in a good mood, the best decisions are made, and smiling and positive colleagues, perhaps, are loved by everyone.

Pebbles for Water Purification
Shungite Pyramid
Elite Pendant
from $36.00

Shungite and zodiac signs


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